Scrum Master Resume

Standing out as a Scrum Master requires more than just a certification or a solid understanding of Agile

These Word templates have simple formatting and a table structure to help you easily create and edit your resume. We provide a Skills-Based Resume that we optimize for early-career and transitioning Scrum Masters. Our Chronological Resume Template is suitable for all career stages but works best for those with some relevant job experience.

When using these templates, keep in mind that we use Tables in Word. We’ve turned the gridlines on for you so you can easily manage and maintain your information. If you aren’t familiar with tables in Word, then check out this tutorial.

Want to work with this template in Google Docs? You can do that with this tutorial.

But WAIT! There’s MORE!

We’ve had thousands of learners come through our program since we launched in 2019. Quite a few are looking for help in how to land that next Scrum job. We got tired of having to tell people “Well, we don’t do career placement, but we can help you out the best we can.” We are not starting a job placement program (yet), but we are providing information to help you find a job.

We’re in the final stages of creating a new course. It covers what we talked about here and way more in an easy to consume and encouraging learning experience. Additionally, we will be glad to professionally review and offer feedback on your resume.

Take a look at our new course called “How to Build an Agile Resume.” Be the first to sign up for this exciting new learning opportunity.

Final Thoughts

If you want the job, then spend some time crafting the perfect Scrum Master resume. Focus on the important parts of your resume. Avoid errors. Get feedback to create a strong resume. This will highlight your skills and accomplishments to help you land your dream job.

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