Deep Dive: The Scrum Values

The Scrum Values are a set of fundamental principles that guide the behaviors and interactions within Scrum teams, fostering a collaborative and value-driven environment. These values are central to the Scrum framework, providing a foundation upon which the Scrum roles, events, and artifacts operate. The five Scrum Values are: Commitment, Courage, Focus, Openness, and Respect. Each value plays a vital role in establishing a culture conducive to Agile practices and successful project delivery.

  • Commitment: The dedication towards achieving collective goals and being accountable for individual responsibilities within a Sprint.
  • Courage: The bravery to address challenges, provide honest feedback, and adapt to changes in a constructive manner.
  • Focus: The concentration on prioritized tasks to achieve the Sprint goals while minimizing distractions.
  • Openness: The willingness to share progress, challenges, and learnings transparently with the team and stakeholders.
  • Respect: Valuing everyone’s contributions and creating a supportive, inclusive environment.

Understanding and embodying the Scrum Values is crucial for Scrum teams to operate effectively, navigate challenges, and deliver value consistently, making this exploration essential for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of the Scrum framework.


Commitment is about each team member’s dedication towards the collective goals of the Sprint and the team.

  • What is the Importance?
    • Commitment ensures that every team member is dedicated to the goals of the Sprint and the larger objectives of the team and organization, fostering a culture of accountability and excellence.
  • How do you apply this?
    • Ensure clear communication of Sprint goals and expectations.
    • Foster a culture where team members hold each other accountable for their tasks.
  • What challenges might you face?
    • Balancing individual workloads and team objectives may pose a challenge, especially when faced with tight deadlines or unexpected hurdles.
  • How do you measure this?
    • Completion Rate: Tracking the percentage of committed work items completed in each sprint.
    • Sprint Goal Achievement: Monitoring how often the Sprint Goals are met. (Say/Do ratio)
    • Team Member Feedback: Collecting feedback from team members regarding their level of commitment and any obstacles faced.


Courage is the bravery to tackle difficult issues, confront uncertainties, and adapt to changes.

  • What is the Importance?
    • Courage fosters an environment where individuals can address issues, provide honest feedback, and advocate for necessary changes, promoting innovation and problem-solving.
  • How do you apply this?
    • Encourage open discussions and constructive feedback within the team.
    • Create a safe space where team members feel comfortable voicing their concerns and proposing new ideas.
  • What challenges might you face?
    • Overcoming resistance to change or fear of conflict can be challenging.
  • How do you measure this?
    • Psychological Safety: Frequently assess how comfortable your team is giving and receiving feedback in events such as your retrospective.
    • Issue Resolution Speed: Measuring the time taken to address and resolve issues once identified.
    • Change Adoption Rate: Evaluating how quickly the team adapts to new processes or changes.


Focus involves concentration on the tasks at hand and alignment towards achieving sprint goals.

  • What is the Importance?
    • Focus ensures efficient utilization of time and resources, enabling the team to deliver value consistently.
  • How do you apply this?
    • Prioritize work based on value and urgency, minimizing distractions.
    • Maintain a clear vision of the goals and ensure every team member understands their role in achieving them.
  • What challenges might you face?
    • Managing external interruptions and maintaining focus amid changing requirements can be challenging.
  • How do you measure this?
    • Interrupt Rate: Measure the amount of interruptions a team faces, is the amount acceptable or is it distracting the team from the Sprint goal?
    • Work Completion Ratio: Comparing the number of work items completed versus the number of items started within a Sprint.
    • Priority Alignment: Evaluating the alignment of completed work items with the Sprint and product priorities.
    • The Try New Things Index: Measure how often and how easy it is for the team to attempt new ideas and new processes.


Openness is about being transparent in communications, sharing progress, challenges, and learnings.

  • What is the Importance?
    • Openness promotes transparency, fosters trust, and enables continuous learning and improvement within the team.
  • How do you apply this?
    • Share progress, challenges, and learnings openly with the team and stakeholders.
    • Encourage feedback and be willing to adapt based on insights gathered.
  • What challenges might you face?
    • Overcoming the fear of being judged or perceived negatively may pose a challenge to openness.
  • How do you measure this?
    • Transparency Index: Monitoring the frequency and quality of updates shared within the team and with stakeholders.
    • Feedback Loop Effectiveness: Evaluating the effectiveness and timeliness of feedback loops.
    • Learning Index: Assessing the rate at which learnings are shared and applied within the team.


Respect entails valuing each individual’s contribution, skills, and creating a positive work environment.

  • What is the Importance?
    • Respect creates a supportive and inclusive environment that values every individual’s contribution, promoting collaboration and mutual respect.
  • How do you apply this?
    • Acknowledge contributions, be courteous in interactions, and appreciate the diversity in skills and perspectives within the team.
  • What challenges might you face?
    • Overcoming biases and ensuring inclusivity can be challenging.
  • How do you measure this?
    • Team Satisfaction Survey: Conducting regular surveys to gauge team satisfaction and mutual respect.
    • Conflict Resolution Efficiency: Monitoring the effectiveness and timeliness of conflict resolution within the team.
    • Diversity & Inclusion Index: Evaluating the representation and inclusivity within the team and how individuals feel valued.


The Scrum Values of Commitment, Courage, Focus, Openness, and Respect are fundamental principles that underpin the Scrum framework, acting as the behavioral guidelines for individuals and teams engaging in Scrum. These values are intertwined with the practices and roles within Scrum, and are instrumental in creating a conducive environment for collaboration, transparency, and continuous improvement. They help in fostering a culture that is aligned with the agile mindset, promoting adaptability, and delivering value in a complex work environment.

Additional Learning

If you are interested in diving even deeper in the Scrum values, check out our free Scrum in a Nutshell microlearning, or go even deeper with our Agile Accelerator program.



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